Geology & Geophysics

Expert Data Processing & Analysis

Geophysical surveying and mapping gives a clearer picture of subsurface conditions prior to site development or beginning construction, which helps you avoid costly mistakes and time delays.  Geohazards deploys advanced, non-invasive surveying techniques using state-of-the art instrumentation and software and our Professional Geologists and Geophysicists collaborate with our Geotechnical Engineers to provide you the best possible data. Our team also pinpoints possible hazards and the potential presence of sinkholes. Not sure how we can help? Call us and let’s talk about your project.

Geologist Jim Olson reads results of field testSubsurface Investigations

Investigations may include geologic mapping, geophysical methods, or subsurface exploration; or it can be as simple as one of our Professional Geologists or Geotechnical Engineers walking the site to observe physical conditions. Geophysical exploration techniques can also be employed to measure the physical properties of the shallow or deep subsurface along with any anomalies.

Simple Site Evaluation

We’ll walk your project site with you and perform simple, shallow subsurface exploration using hand auger borings or hand cone penetration tests. Our Professional Geologists will provide either verbal or written evaluations based upon your preference and project requirement.

Intermediate Site Evaluation

Here we’ll employ geophysical testing, shallow direct subsurface testing and laboratory analyses of soils, if needed. Our Professional Geologists will provide a signed report for your records.

Comprehensive Site Evaluation

A full-scale evaluation includes advanced testing that complies with Florida Statutes guidelines. A comprehensive evaluation includes both surface and geophysical exploration in addition to standard penetration test borings. Remediation plans developed by our Geotechnical Engineers are also available.

Geology & Geophysical Equipment

Get access to advanced, non-invasive surveying techniques with our state-of-the art instrumentation and software along with classic subsurface exploration methods.

Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI)

Electrical Resistivity testing has made many advances over the past three decades of use. Where 10 years prior, less than 20 data readings were sufficient, we now record hundreds and sometimes thousands of data points within each traverse. The increased data collection allows for a much more detailed picture of the subsurface conditions. Geohazards utilizes 2-D and 3-D imaging techniques capable of depths of 100 feet or greater to best characterize the subsurface.

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)

Using a range of up to four different antennae frequencies, GPR surveys can detect anomalous subsurface features, underground storage tanks and voids under concrete slabs. Geohazards’ can focus an investigation within the upper 12 inches to up to 30 feet deep.

Electromagnetic Induction (EM)

The Profiler EMP-400 can map zones of buried contamination plumes, buried metallic debris and large buried objects.

Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW)

Determining P-wave and shear wave velocities at depth is often a requirement for the design of large structures. The MASW is a viable and cost effective method to measure the elastic properties of shear wave velocities of materials at depth.

Soil Sampling and Testing

We offer standard penetration test borings, auger borings, Shelby tube sampling, hand cone penetration test and laboratory soil analyses

Utility Location, Storage Tank Location & Structure Scans

Ground Penetrating Radar

Utilize our 2600 MHz antenna for high resolution image of the upper 12 inches to locate utilities under slabs, voids under slabs and map reinforced concrete. Can be used in conjunction with the 400MHz antenna to reach penetration depths up to 12 feet.

Electromagnetic Induction

Uses a primary magnetic field which includes and electrical current in the earth which produces a secondary magnetic field, the characteristics of which indicate the soil conductivity and when used with GPR detects buried non-organic objects and supports ground penetration radar mapping.

Get Acquainted

Take a look at a sample report and see what kind of help Geohazards can give you.

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